Knights In Training...
Begin Your Quest.
Online Classes For First Wave Indigos by LauraLee Mistycah
Read Kryahgenetics Vol. 1 and Kryahgenetics Vol. 2.
Have an Aurauralite Pendant or Aulmauracite Rock with you.
Grid the place you will be at during the class with Aulmauracite Rocks.
You need to take all the classes in order, including the intro class.
It is also strongly advised to read as much of the articles on this site as you can to help get you familiar with much of what the Knights Training will entail. You can find all the articles here:
NOTE: Once you have all 6 classes under your belt, and fulfilled all the requirements, you can apply for Knights Training Certificate of Completion outlined at the bottom of this page.
Knight's Training Academy:
The Full Course with all 5 Classes + FREE Intro Class Bonus
$150.00 if purchased individually, get the entire set of 6 for only $125.00
NOTE: Each class has an instruction video and Class #2 & #4 have an extra meditation video.
HOW TO SIGN UP: When you click "Join" you will be asked to create a private profile for the website. After you've signed up for a profile, you will then be taken to the checkout page to enroll in the course.
Alpha 1 Training - Certificate Requirements

If you would like a Certificate Of Completion, here are the requirements:
Grid with Aulmauracite some place in your town (or someone else's town) that you feel needs a good dose of Truth & Justice. Get a map and mark the places you set the grid stones, the date they were placed, why you chose that place.
Read both Kryahgenetics I & II.
Attend all 5 Classes + the Intro Class.
After attending each class, write a short (or long) essay telling what you learned in the class and how it will help you in your Earth Mission.
When you have all your essays written, and your grid map complete, send those to me either by: E-Mail
OR Snail Mail to:
Mistyc House
816 West Francis #244
Spokane WA 99205
Send me your mailing address and how you want your name to read on the certificate
Once I have received and reviewed them, I will send you your certificate through snail mail with a complimentary signed copy of The Knights Code
~Lady Mistycah~