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You Might Be An Indigo If...

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

You Might Be An Indigo If...

These are excerpts from the book "Living in an Indigo House, the Heartaches & Victories of First Wave Indigos" by Laura Lee Mistycah It all started one crazy evening in my Knights' Chat Room on "Indigo Night" when we were sitting around chatting about how "odd" we all were and how other people just didn't have a clue as to who we really were and how we thought. One thing led to another and one joke lead to the next, and then I got the bright idea.....Hey, lets do a spoof on Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a Redneck if"..... It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable and humorous evenings I've had in a long time. Here is a sample of what came out of the chat room that night! I have given credit to these creative authors by using their chat room handles. You don't have to be a psychic to figure out that these all have validity and most likely actually happened! < Frank S>You might be an Indigo ...If you try to explain what you are thinking to someone, and they look at you like a dog being shown a card trick. <angelboy>You might be a Indigo if... you're arguing with yourself and someone answers. < Frank S>If you get in more trouble for being right than for being wrong, YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <sunwalker>You might be an Indigo... if you really think you can fly. <angelboy>You might be an indigo if... you bring back an imaginary friend and he reprograms your VCR. <Yeshiva>You might be an indigo if get sudden urges to hug trees in the middle of Central Park and people stare at you like you are crazy. <sunwalker>You might be an Indigo if ...your teacher calls your mom to have conference with her at school because you were talking to a man in the window that the teacher could not see. < Frank S>If you're the one who the teacher says "Anyone else can answer the question but you", YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <Yeshiva>If u can see colors on people's head and can see things breathe even after hitting your head against the wall to make it stop... you might be an Indigo. <Frank S>If the most common phrase people say to you is, "You're weird", YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <angelboy>If you take Prozac so often that you collect the dispensers because you think they will fetch you a profit on eBay, might be an Indigo. <Frank S>If authority figures refer to you as a "walking disruption", YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <Yeshiva>You might be an Indigo if're caught hitting the table for ants to leave it before you clean it so you won't kill them all. <Dean>You might be an indigo if end up being a street sweeper tidying up after messy people. <Misty> Hahahaaaa, just one more job for "The Cosmic Clean Up Crew" <Frank S>If you go to a party, and you'd rather talk to the pets than the people there... YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO. <angelboy>If you lay in bed at night trying to switch the light off by mental powers... you might be an Indigo. <Dean>You might be an indigo ...if you end up having your wedding in a barn instead of a church. <tmann>You might be an indigo... if you talk to your vegetables before you eat them. <angelboy> If your unity candle goes out mysteriously at your own wedding... You might be an Indigo. <angelboy> (... that's info you can all learn from) <myah>You might be an indigo if ...a bird calls you outside at night to talk. <Sunwalker>You might be indigo if...The rest of your family wonders if you were adopted. <Misty>You might be an Indigo ...if your MOTHER wonders if you were adopted! <angelboy>You might be an Indigo ...if you can confuse a cop after being pulled over to get out of a ticket... <Dean>You might be an indigo... if you cheer and clap when the Ents from lord of the rings stick up for them self. <Yeshiva>U might be an indigo... if you taught ur parents how to raise u. <Frank S>If you collect books of "forbidden knowledge" like some people collect "Beanie Babies", YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <angelboy>If you have ever wished to manifest a fire ball and then change your mind because you may not be able to turn it off... You might be an Indigo. <sunwalker>You might be an Indigo... when you bring home big rocks, and say "but mom, it followed me home." <angelboy>If you find yourself arguing with your spirit guide because you didn't like what they had to say...You might be an Indigo. <sunwalker>You might be an indigo ...if you eat Aurauralite. <angelboy>You might be an Indigo if you no longer go by your birth name... <tmann>You might be an indigo... if your friends ask you how you did something and you say, "I manifested it." <Dean>You might be an indigo if ...for Christmas you asked your mother and father for a book on Physics and got a book on wrestling instead. <little tiger>You might be an indigo... if you can actually see the elves from the Lords of the Rings novel all around you when you walk alone in the forest. <Frank S>If you listen to microtonal music and "The Residents", and can't understand why others don't like it, YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <sunwalker>You might be and Indigo if ...Your family is glad when you go home to your own house. <Yeshiva>U might be an indigo if ...u have complete conversations with fairies and unicorns, and say it out loud with "normal" people around. <Frank S>If you compose songs in the key of D++, YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <little tiger>You might be an indigo if think you maybe could have been Paul in the "Dune" novel from Frank Herbert. <Yeshiva>You might be an Indigo if u leave a cafe because the "energy was making u feel Uncomfortable." <angelboy>If teletubbys scare the hell out of you... you might be an Indigo. <Frank S>Heck, if television scares the heck out of you, you might be an Indigo! <tmann>If you haven靖 watched TV in over two years, you might be an Indigo. <angelboy>If you can remember the cabin # of your room on the titanic... you might be an indigo. <Frank S>If you walk into a cafe, and find yourself listening to five different conversations simultaneously, YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <Misty>You might be if you have as many lives as your cat. <Frank S>If you were fixing household appliances when you were five years old, YOU MIGHT BE AN INDIGO! <sunwalker>You might be an Indigo if... you see the royal family as other than human. <Yeshiva>If u look at the stars and talk to them sending messages to your "other family" might be an Indigo. <Dean>You might be an indigo if spent the last 10 years in anger management. <angelboy>If you can tell the exact time you got mad because your battery might be an Indigo. <Misty>If the "powers that be" keep trying to destroy might be an Indigo. <sunwalker>You might be an Indigo scare your Medical Dr. <Adonis>You may be a red-necked indigo if you think the bottoms of broken beer bottles have crystal-like qualities. <Frank S>You may be a red-necked indigo if try to rewire the refrigerator on the front lawn into a Tesla transformer. <tmann>You might be an indigo... if you say "But captain, we don't have enough power!!" <Frank S>If you're addicted to Star Trek you might be a nerd. If you are building a Star Trek warp drive core in you basement... you might be an indigo. .....and the list goes on. If you could really relate to this.....then you are most likely a "True Blue" FW-Indigo! :o)

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