How To Book a Session
Session Prep Instructions
Before having a session you MUST:
*Read: Kryahgenetics Vol. 1, the Simple Secrets of Human Alchemy and Kryahgenetics Vol. 2, Covert Secrets & Alchemy. These books are filled with not just useful information, but vital information... (And since Hal helped write them, it is really funny too! ;o)
*Read: The First Wave Indigo Traits and send Laura Lee your reply to how each one does or does NOT apply to you, plus a picture and any information about yourself that you feel is important. Also fill out this questionnaire form and send that to Laura Lee – (you can add your extra information there).
*Read as much of this site,, as you can.
*You also need to have a good visual image of this Kryahgenetics Egg (print if necessary) for a short meditation at the beginning of the session. This will insure the most efficient use of our time during your session.
*YOU MUST HAVE: An Aurauralite pendant or rocks to work with during your session. They can be purchased from the Treasure Chest - Shopping Cart.
*It is important to grid your house (or your bedroom if this would be more appropriate for your living situation) before your session.
* To help each FW-Indigo become more self-reliant and to make sure they are serious about working with Laura Lee, a FW-Indigo not only has to have Aurauralite/Aulmauracite in their possession and have had time to actively work with it, but they also need to do a service project by gridding their town or a place in their town that needs a good dose of “Truth and Justice!” (We supply a set of 5 house and 5 town grid rocks complimentary with your rock or pendant order. If you are doing a MAJOR grid, let us know and we will send you an extra one for that specific grid. :o) Placing grids helps catapult you into your mission as a UV-Realm Knight and is also a huge service to the rest of the Indigo nation and the planet!
* If you have not already, please read the First Wave Indigo Traits article here.
*For more instructions on how to prepare for your session CLICK HERE
*Laura Lee schedules both day and evening appointments. Readings are $200.00 per hour but can be purchased in 15-Minute increments for $50.00 each. Most first time readings take at least 45-60 Minutes and can be purchased from the Mistyc House Treasures Shopping Cart below.
NOTE: (When you purchase your FIRST session, the first 15 minutes of THAT Session are complimentary. :o)
NOTE: If you are living outside the U.S. Laura Lee does sessions via Telegram - screen name: LauraLee Mistycah, and sometimes Skype - screen name: LadyMistycah.
Due to the rising number of First Wave Indigo Knights waking up and needing support, Laura Lee has become extremely busy. At this time, she can only take on 2 or 3 new clients a month, as each client takes time and energy for her to personally assist. Also, Laura Lee ONLY offers her "Private Sessions" to First Wave Indigo Adults.
(If you would like a quality psychic reading, we highly recommend Laura Lee's Ghost Buster Partner -- Ronnie Rennae Foster.) You can contact her at: and read about her at:

Medical Intuitive Readings - Psychic Readings & Indigo Readings
~Session Prep Instructions, Guidelines & Procedures~
If you are considering a reading with Laura Lee Mistycah, here are some guidelines that will assist you in getting the most out of your session with her.
*Read the information about "Aurauralite, The Magical Mystical Stone of Truth" - These stones/pendants are extremely useful in balancing energies, and bring truth to the surface. Readings with Laura Lee are more efficient when the client has one with them during the session.
*If you are having a medical intuitive reading, you may want to read the information in "Mistyc House of Healing" for more background on Laura Lee's work.
*If you would like an Indigo Reading, go to the "First Wave Indigo" page and respond to each item on the list of Indigo Traits, and tell how it either DOES or DOES NOT apply to you. Send this back in an e-mail. (You can put it on a word doc. if you wish.)
*Send Laura Lee a picture of yourself to put in her file for you.
~NOTE: If you are living outside the U.S. Laura Lee does sessions via - Skype - Facebook. (Sometimes we can't find each other on these venues so Jitsi seems to work best.) Once an appointment time is confirmed, Laura Lee will send you a link to open up the room at the appointed time If that is not possible her Skype screen name is LadyMistycah & Facebook page is
*Copy and print this picture of the Kryahgenetics Egg to be used in a short meditation at the beginning of the session. (….or, if you have a "photographic memory"……that works too : )
Preparing For Your Session
*Have some bottled or purified water to drink during your session.
*Make sure you have a pen and plenty of paper for taking notes, especially for Indigo Contracts and Guide/Guardian readings.
*If you have any specific questions, be sure and have those ready. If there is background information about yourself that you feel needs to be shared, have that ready also.
*Light candles and purify the room prior to your session how ever you feel appropriate. Having some soft meditative music playing in the background is especially helpful.
*Please have call waiting blocked if you have that option, as it interferes with the flow of your session.
*If you have small children, make sure someone is there to take care of them so you can focus and relax during your session.
*It is recommended that you take some time before the consultation to relax and get in tune with your Higher Self/Spirit. When your session is finished, it is useful to take some more time (and more notes) to contemplate the information given during your session. You will probably come up with many "ah-ha’s," profound wisdom, and answers to your own questions!
*It is not unusual for people to get thirsty, hungry, or sleepy after their session so if at all possible, be kind to your body and give it what it asks for. It is highly recommended that you drink a lot of water or herbal teas during the day of your session, and especially after….. as it is very common for vast amounts of energy to serge, as well as debris that is released and removed. This tends to dehydrate people, as they are using their fluids to transport high amounts of Electro Magnetic Energy …….. "Drink like a fish!"
*Sessions are calculated in segments of $50.00 per ¼ hr. Initial sessions usually take at least 1 hour. If you feel you need more time when your pre-paid session is finished, Laura Lee tries to leave time open before her next session incase more time is required. (When this happens, you can either put the extra time on your credit card or send her a check.)
*When an appointment time has arrived, make sure you have given Laura Lee your phone number if you live in the US. She will call you. (If you are outside the US you will be given a link to the private zoom room.)
Love, UV-Light, Laughter to you……& Good Journey!
For Questions/Comments, or to set up a session, contact us at: